Sunday, 23 December 2012

week –eNd-weLL

assalamualaikum smua..
trasa kekok mnulis blog..padahal bru tadi post entri baru pasal Lake Hillier yang kaler pink tu.
Ok. Straight.nk cita pasal my weekend ja.
Hati saya sudah terpaut di Ganu sejak 5 tahun dulu. Saya suka kan nya!!

cari cari cari.....
yesS@!! dapat pon :)

Bundle kat ganu ni maveles!!
Who says baju bundle low class? I think it just because you melawat  wrong place.
Variety of clothes can be found here.
But, it seems like most of the clothes like.. not quality anymore.
Compared to sebelum ni.
Yeah.. memangla bundle smua second hand but before this kebanyakannya ada quality.
Now, so different la. I don’t know.
Or it just me..I’m the only one think like that.
Monsoon season down here..
so, we just hibernate in……bowling center!!

Nice throw uols. And me?aku penonton setia.

Ok, sekarang ada semut sedang menarik perhatian aku di kala smua org berselimut atas katil.
Arghhhh!!! Gigih nya mereka mengangkut katu ni. Pkul 3pagi
Usah fikir kita ni dh cukup besar.kadang2, we need to see small thing to get big spirit.
Selamat malam uols!!^^

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